Built for speed

Create in minutes, not months

Create original content that actually sounds like your company wrote it. It's your own AI co-pilot, specifically tuned for your team's unique use cases, trained on your own best-performing content.


Design your own templates

Create custom, hyper-specific templates for your team's unique use cases — like newsletters and email, content marketing, UX copy, and performance marketing, or choose from presets.

Source of truth

Upgrade your team's writing

Make your team's communication shine, no matter their level of English proficiency. Help them respond to customers with crisp, clear, error-free writing.

Connect Fyndle to your campaign

Get more conversions and drive more sales with Fyndle. Create high-performing copy for every channel & audience that actually converts.

A diagram showing the content sources you can connect through Fyndle.

Fyndle Features

Every day we improve Fyndle by spending time with our users and rolling out new features to the product.

Streamline content creation through our ready to use templates or create your custom templates tailored for your brand.

Leverage the power of AI to create quality content in seconds. Streamline the content creation process and optimize for conversion.

As well as Google Sheet, Airtable, Notion, and CSVs, you can now upload your content using a JSON file.

Generate stunning images to drive more content engagement.